Helm: A DevOps Essential for Simplifying Kubernetes Management

Helm: A DevOps Essential for Simplifying Kubernetes Management


2 min read

Helm, the Kubernetes package manager, is an essential tool for simplifying application deployment and management. For beginners, setting up Helm with a Kubernetes cluster can seem daunting, but with MicroK8s, the process becomes straightforward and efficient. This guide will walk you through the complete installation and setup process for MicroK8s, kubectl, and Helm, with all necessary commands.

What is Helm?

Helm is often referred to as the "Yum or Apt" for Kubernetes. It uses charts, which are pre-configured Kubernetes resources, to help you deploy applications seamlessly. Think of Helm as a tool that saves you from manually writing and managing endless YAML files for your deployments.

Benefits of Using Helm

1. Streamlined Application Deployment

Helm allows you to deploy applications with a single command, eliminating the need to manage multiple YAML files manually.


helm install my-app ./my-app-chart

This command deploys an application described in the my-app-chart directory.

2. Version Control and Rollbacks

Helm supports version control, enabling you to track and roll back deployments effortlessly. This is invaluable for maintaining application stability during updates.


  • View deployment history:

      helm history my-app
  • Rollback to a previous version:

      helm rollback my-app 2

3. Reusable and Shareable Charts

Helm charts can be shared and reused, promoting standardization and saving time. Popular charts are available in repositories like Artifact Hub.


Install NGINX using an official chart:

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install my-nginx bitnami/nginx

4. Customizable Configurations

Helm allows you to customize deployments using a values.yaml file, making it easy to tailor configurations for different environments.


values.yaml file:

replicaCount: 3
  type: ClusterIP
  port: 8080
    cpu: 500m
    memory: 128Mi

Deploy with custom values:

helm install my-app ./my-app-chart -f values.yaml

5. Improved Collaboration

Helm’s declarative configuration fosters collaboration among team members, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

Want to get Started with Helm right now?

read my previous blog to install and set up helm on your ubuntu machine.

Thank you for reading :)
Ramya R